Union Town Hall, 6/26 at 3pm! + Focus Groups

Join us at our bargaining Town Hall next Wednesday (6/26) at 3pm! During the most recent bargaining session, WCM expressed an interest in reaching a comprehensive agreement by the end of summer. However, it is concerning that WCM continues to delay responding to...

More progress, and more roadblocks

On Tuesday 6/11, we had our 6th bargaining session with WCM. During the session, we discussed several of the remaining non-economic articles, and we are pleased to report that we reached a tentative agreement on Union Access and Rights (see summary below), bringing us...

More progress and more concerns

On Tuesday 6/4, we met with WCM for our latest bargaining session. We are pleased to report progress on several fronts. However, we were also concerned to see WCM attempt to weaken our proposed rights and protections to below what unionized postdocs at Mount Sinai and...

Six more tentative agreements

On Tuesday, 5/21, we met with the Weill Cornell Medicine (WCM) administration for our fourth bargaining session. The session opened with discussion of the open letter on bargaining signed by a majority of postdocs, which members of our Organizing Committee delivered...