WCM postdocs preparing to meet with Dean Harrington last Friday

Last Friday we met with the Weill Cornell Medicine administration to ask that they maintain neutrality regarding our unionization campaign. We also asked that they reach an agreement with us on a fair process to verify our majority support as we move to file a petition with the NLRB to form Weill Cornell Medicine Postdoc United-UAW as our union. Present at the meeting from WCM’s side were Dean Robert Harringon, Dean Barbara Hempstead, and Associate Dean Randi Silver.

While the tone of the meeting was overall positive and both sides indicated willingness to communicate openly, we were concerned that the administration did not clearly respond to our request that they remain neutral during our campaign. Instead, Dean Harrington stated that WCM would remain professional, respectful and act in accordance with the law.

As a follow up to this meeting we have reached out to the administration to reiterate our request that they agree to refrain from any attempt to interfere with postdocs’ decision on whether to form our union, and confirm that they do not intend to raise objections to our potential bargaining unit. We have asked that the administration respond to us by end of day on 9/29/23. We will remain in contact with the Dean’s office as we move forward in our efforts.

Please join us for the upcoming Town Hall meeting on Friday 9/29 at 12:00 in Rockefeller WRB305 to ask questions, share your thoughts, and hear more about our timeline!

Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or thoughts,

In Solidarity,

Juan Rodríguez Alcázar, Pediatrics
Sahar Jalal, Radiology
Krithika Karthigeyan, Pediatrics
Jonathan Ma, Biochemistry
Dagan Marx, Biochemistry
Victor Ruthig, Urology
Fernanda Subtil, Medicine
Chelsea Crooks, Pediatrics
Claudia Galassi, Radiation Oncology
Caitlin Williams, Pediatrics

On behalf of the WCMPU-UAW Organizing Committee